Waiver of Liability and agreement at Secord Corn Maze on nw 26-25-19

This is a legally binding agreement. If you do not understand any part of this Waiver, you should consult an attorney before you agree.

I agree to the following statements.

I am at least 18 years of age.

I understand that I will be exposed to risks and hazards while on the premises.

I freely and voluntarily acknowledge these risks and hazards and nonetheless wish to enter onto these premises.

I am aware that walking through the corn maze at night has added risks such as, but not limited to tripping and falling.

I certify that I am in good health and that I do not have any ailment or condition that could worsen, cause injury, illness or death as a result of walking in the corn maze.

I am aware that emergency medical help may not be immediately available due to the location of the corn maze in the RM of Dauphin.

As a condition of being allowed on the premises I knowingly and voluntarily waive my legal rights that I may have against the operator of the corn maze, employees and land owners.

I agree to hold harmless each and all of the above parties and to indemnify each and all parties against any and all claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses, (including legal fees),damages, liabilities arising out of, connected with, or resulting from my entering the premises.

I understand that by agreeing to the statements and submitting this form I am indicating that I have read, understand and agree to its terms. I understand that I must read, understand and agree to this Waiver of Liability/Agreement as a condition of being allowed on the premises.I understand that I am financially responsible for any damage caused.

I agree to the Safety Rules listed here. Closed toe shoes are be worn. Those 16 years of age and under must have a parent or guardian remain on site. Thse 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times in the maze and on the site. No alcohol or drugs or smoking or vaping on the premises. No pets on the premises. No food or drink with the exclusion of water are allowed in the corn maze. No picking corn cobs. No throwing of cobs. Stay on pathways only. No cutting through the corn.